Monday, April 7, 2014


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Circular No: 15                                                                                               Date: 5/4/2014

Dear Comrade,

                The National Convention of Central Government employees as scheduled was held at Nagpur on 4th April, 2014.  The convention was inaugurated by Com. A.K. Padmanabhan, National President, CITU and was addressed by Com. B.N.J. Sharma,  President, AITUC, Nagpur District Committee .
The Draft resolution prepared by the National Secretariat was presented to the house by Com. M.S. Raja, Working President, Confederation. Com. K.K.N. Kutty, President, read out the two amendments received at the CHQ.  In the deliberations that ensued thereafter 31 comrades participated. Com. M. Krishnan, Secretary General, summed up the discussion and indicated the acceptance of the suggestions made by the delegates who participated in the deliberations.  A copy of the final version of the resolution as adopted by the Convention unanimously is enclosed.  Before the adoption of the resolution in its final form by the house, Com. S.K. Vyas, Advisor, Com. Narasimhan, Vice President and Com. K.P. Rajagopal, Secretary, Confederation addressed the house.

                The National Secretariat of the Confederation met on the same day at 7.00PM.  It took the following decisions to carry out the directives of the Convention.

1.       The State Committees of the Confederation and its affiliated Federations will take steps to translate the resolution in the respective local languages immediately and ensure that the same is circulated amongst the members. 
2.       Meetings will be organised in all offices to explain the contents of the resolution adopted by the National Convention.
3.       The National Secretariat members who are assigned the responsibility (as per the details in the annexure) will interact with the State Secretaries and ensure that the campaign programme of reaching out to all members is carried out in all States.
4.       The State Committees will solicit and enlist the services of the Pensioners organisations to carry out the campaign amongst the mass of the people.

All affiliates and State Committees are requested to take immediate steps to carry out the above decisions of the National Secretariat. 

With greetings,
Yours fraternally, 

 M. Krishnan
Secretary General.

Name  of the Secretariat Member:                                                                  State Assigned.

1.       M. Krishnan and R.Seethalakshmi.                                                         Karnataka and Kerala.   
2.       Com . K.K.N. Kutty and Com. Duraipandian.                                         Tamilnadu.
3.       Com. Narasimhan, Nageswara Rao and P.Suresh:                             Andhra Pradesh
4.       Com. R.P.Singh and Com. P. Jeyaraj.                                                       Mumbai.
5.       Coms. P.K. Das. Gupreet Singh. & Nilesh Nasre                                  Vidharbha.
6.       Com. Yeshwant Purohit and Com.T.K.R. Pillai.                                     Mdhya Pradesh.
7.       Com. T.N. Parasar T. Sathyanaryana.                                                       Gujarat.
8.       Com. Suresh.                                                                                                     Chattisgarh.
9.       Com. Vrighu Bhattacharjee and Giriraj Singh.                                      Jhararkhand.
10.   Com. R.N. Dhall                                                                                                 Orissa.
11.   Vrighu Bhattachary and Giriraj Singh.                                                      Bihar.
12.   Com.R.N. Parasar.                                                                                           U.P.
13.    Com. Somaiah, Ashok Kanojia.& K.P.Rajagopal    .                               Haryana. And Punjab,    
14.   Com. M.S. Raja.                                                                                                                H.P. and Utrakhand
15.   Com. S.K. Vyas and Com.N. Somaiah                                                       Rajasthan
16.   Com.R.N. Parasar, Vrigu Bjattacjarya, A.K. Kanojia & Giriraj Singh. Delhi.


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